All I can tell ye is that he'll be difficult doll to handle. He has more childlish face than I expected which may be both advantage and disadvantage. Other thing is that he's huge. So much bigger than my previous boys (excluding Heliot, lol....but that was AGES go XD;). Clothes I had prepared for him are bit small so I don't know if I should buy him stuff for SD13 or SD17....O_o;;;; whooops!
Onto pics~~
huge but not really that heavy box
Company box. Bit plain looking XD;
....and soooo many gifts O_O;;;; WOW! I got really cute wig (I will leave it for Lucille because it completly does not suit Psycho. Picture book, notepad etc.
Very cool looking certificate
oh....and here comes a doll itself
*smirk no.2*
Here with eyes, wig and some clothing.
I'll try to make some decent pictures soon.
By the way- expect note and pictures from Japan Expo. I promise there will be also a lot of dolls *_*
OdpowiedzUsuńhe s awesome!
Thank You :)
UsuńCo za przystojniak.:)
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję serdecznie w jego imieniu :D
UsuńO jejciu~! Wygląda obłędnie~! Fiu fiu, gratulacje nowego przystojniaka ;)