...to have my own carriage!
so I got one :D I always knew u can buy everything on ebay, hahaha :D
I also bought new wig for Odi. One from tibetan wool, from my favourite maker of these; naturne :) She makes really fine doll hair. Lucille also has one of her wigs and quality is superb.
Non-dolly news- Life's running like a mad rabbit from alice in wonderland. Weeks are passing by I dunno when. This week I have switched for day shift to learn how to drive trucks at my workplace. That's seriously stressing and tiresome :/
Good thing is that I managed to 'book' my holiday dates, so I can be calm about my parents visit (they're comming here next month and I want to spend some time with them), summer trip to Poland and small vacation at London. It wasn't as troublesome as I thought it will be, since I didin't ask for what everybody was (easter, christmass- I couldn't care less about these).
So yeah, that's it.
I still need to show U Odi's second dress from qiqikoko. Maybe next time. Cheers!
Hi! Wow, that's a chic carriage :-)! Is it a charm for a bracelet? Cute! How exciting your parents are coming over, I'm happy for you that the dates for your holidays are set. Driving trucks must be very hard, I hope you learn soon! A hug X
OdpowiedzUsuńIt's a pendant :)
UsuńThanks and hugs to You too!
przesliczny powoz :) spoko ze twoi rodzice cie odwiedzaja, moi juz od 7 lat planuja podroz lol ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńbedziesz umiec jezdzic ciezarowka? wow *,*
Ja moim kupiłam bilety,to nie mają wyboru, hahaha :D
UsuńHaha, nie tyle ciężarówką, co wozami, które umożliwią mi sciągnięcie czegoś z wyższych półek magazynu w firmie, w której pracuję. Czasami nie ma sensu prosić współpracujących ze mną chłopaków o jedną, dwie rzeczy, podczas gdy mają do zebrania po 1000 produktów dla klienta. Dlatego kurs. Żeby być samowystarczalnym.
Kiedy wpadasz do Polski :D?
OdpowiedzUsuńw drugim tygodniu czerwca :3