Since I moved to Edinburgh, I've been planning a meeting with local comm. ILD was a perfect occasion and the event organised by amazing Megan looked so cool; "a trip doon the watter on the Waverley Paddle Steamer" and a dinner in La Barca- Tapas and wine bar. What more could one wish for. Only thing I was worried about was weather- last few days were rather grey and/or rainy. I checked forecast few times but it changed from sunny to cloudy. Well, nothing new in Scotland, right. When I woke up on Saturday (at 5 AM...), it was but ugly. Then again, Glasgow is hour and a half from Edi, thus the weather could've been better out there. And it was! When I arrived on Buchanan Station, sun welcomed me warmly. I jumped out of the bus and rushed to Glasgow Central, to catch a train to Science Centre. I arrived, well, let's say just in time (late! hahaha). Found girls without a problem (they already joined the long line to the ship). Everyone looked fantastic, so I was a little bit overhelmed for a minute, but after said hello and joined conversation about many, many random things, haha. Megan gave me also the small goodie bag, which included ticket for a boat trip, here are it's contents:
We didn't have much time, while boarding, so I did not make pics of boat itself, but you can check out how it looks and get additional info about the cruise here >>>PADDLE STEAMER WAVERLEY<<<
Our group found nice spot, where all could've fit and we sat down.
Some of us got a coffie, some of us went to explore the ship or take photos. I did all of the above. As always; hyperactive.
Trip took us two and a half hour and it was pure fun.
Look at the amazing views!
When we arrived at Hellensburgh and said 'bye' to our 'ride', we decided to get some lunch.
It was hard to decide on a place, but in the end, we chose a small coffie and deserts shop, which also served sandwiches and similiar stuff. I got myself a banana milkshake with icecream, since I wasn't really hungry. It was good, tho very, VERY sweet. After that we got directions for Hill House. I was very excited to see it, as I am interested in architecture and designs of Rennie Mackintosh, who IMO was a genius (then again, remember, I am overall highly interested in secession art and artists, so it's not surprise). The place was awesome but I cannot show you anything from there, as it's not allowed to take pictures inside Hill House. Thus me and girls went to the garden, where we made a mini photo session and had some fun.
This is my coord for the day. Picture made by awesome Louie
A VIDEO HERE (Introduction in Polish only, to skip it, go to 0:37):
Unfortunatelly, because I got message from my boss, asking me to come to work on Sunday (I was supposed to have a weekend off...), I decided to part with group soon after, skipping the dinner part. Boo-hoo. I said 'bye, until next time' and rushed for a train. Had bad luck, since I missed it by 3 minues, so I decided to not go to Glasgow and then change for a bus, but get a direct train to Edinburgh. Good idea. After two and a half hour, I was at home. Tired but extremly happy with the day.
Few words to sum it all up? I loved it! All of it. The trip, the weather, the people, the laugh we had together. And I want more!
Jeju, ten wysyp Holy Lanternów mnie przeraża. A to był mój dream kiec.
OdpowiedzUsuńW każdym razie dziewczyny śliczne, ale ty jesteś naj <3 Wracaj do naaaas! T^T
Akurat dziewczyna w bialej wersji ma stars wersjr, Od kilku lat.
UsuńMine ten kiec sie podoba, ale nice musze go misc na gwalt.
Aww, dzieki! Grudzien, bejbe XD mozliwe, ze zostane dluzej niz tylko na swieta ;)
Wspaniała zabawa! Widoki z łodzi rzeczywiście bardzo piękne. Fajna sprawa, mieć taki atrakcyjny plan na meet!
OdpowiedzUsuńMoje serce zawsze się raduje na widok Holy Lanternów, choć białego nie poważam XD
Muszę przyznać, ze aż pomyślałam luźno o rejsie po Wiśle w przyszłe wakacje może :D Zobaczymy, heheh~~
UsuńMnie się własnie bardzo biały HL podoba *_* Bo nie jest taki kredowo biały, tylko lekko ivory <3
Kanał na youtubie dobra rzecz, masz mojego suba :D
OdpowiedzUsuńPoza tym fajny pomysł na meeta, urzekające krajobrazy <3
Dziękuję! <3
UsuńW PL też możemy takie meety robić, tylko muszą się ludzie ogarnąć! XD;