niedziela, 5 marca 2017

Raicon Spring Edition 2017

March already, which means that I have not posted for a whole month. This and that happened. Some changes at my workplace, which may be considered as 'good' (temporarily moved to accounting section). Also college, which I enjoy. Unfortunatelly it leaves me with less time for writing notes for a blog and other similiar, more creative activities. But justbetween us, I have to tell ya, that I've prepared a note about Valentine lolita meetup before this one, but somehow managed to delete it (kids, don't be like Meshya, don't be so clumsy like me, haha), thus silence. I will rewrite it, so you will eventually get it (meantime you can check the >>>>VLOG<<<< from that event), but today I give ya a short photo relation from Raicon. It's manga & anime convention, that takes place in Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall, two times a year. The one I was part of yesterday, was a Spring edition. It brought together few hundreds people (unfortunately I have no official numbers, will update when they will appear), with passion for japanesse pop culture, who appeared to enjoy every bit of it. Take a look!

 Line to the entrance. Dosn't look that bad, eh? 
Well, let me just tell ya, it was loooooooonnngggg!
After my ticket got checked, I got a flashy, yellow wristband and...went to see what is goin on.
That's how main stage looked like.
One of the halls with shops. Whatever the time- full. 

 Vintage game room
Artists alley. One of the places I always visit several times, because that's where you can find most interesting things IMO. Some people have a tallent, that's what I can tell ya. 

Board games corner at the begining of Raicon...
...and in mid day. Packed!
There were many attractions and interesting things, but what I love the most are people (yes, I know I repeat myself). First- cosplay. 

 Hey, can You spot me on this picture? *hint- I have 'puff''*
And some cute lolitas! 
Heeeey! What's this Usagi doin' here? :P 

Few words to sum it up~~
Conventions are not my thing anymore (which I wrote about before), but I still liked it. Maybe because of melancholy. It's so nice to see so many people, who gathered in one place to just celebrate the passion and love for something. Seeing their creativity and approach on the topic, makes me remember how I was in the past. 
Now, said that, we can all confirm that I just belong to dinosaurs generation, hahaha :D And with this positive accent, I finish this note. Until next time!

4 komentarze:

  1. Ach konwenty, nie mogę się doczekać Pyrkonu :D mimo że wiele konwentowych elementów i częściowo atmosfery wzbudza we mnie odruch wymiotny :P ale to dobra okazja, by się odziać w lolitę.

    Twój stój jest niesamowity! ♥ uwielbiam wszystko co związane z Sailor Moon, także wyjątkowo mnie urzekł. jest też dobrym przykładem loliciego outfitu, który jest inspirowany postacią, a mimo to nie jest cosplayem :)

    1. Bardzo chciałam jechać na Pyrkon, ale to finansowo poza moimi możliwościami. Zawsze ten termin jest też dla mnie problematyczny nieco.

      Dla mnie konwenty są teraz takimi powrotami do przeszłości. Czasem spotkam starych znajomych, czasem nawet wezmę udział w jakiejś atrakcji czy konkursie, ale szybko mnie to męczy. Natomiast uwielbiam robić zdjęcia, a ludzie i ich przebrania/ stylizacje, to temat rzeka, który zawsze będzie mnie fascynował.

      Dziękuję za miłe słowa nt Usagi :)

  2. Odpowiedzi
    1. Na pierwszy rzut oka ;) Fakt, że nie ma problemu takiego ze śmieciami, jak na polskich kinach, ale nie znaczy, że zupełnie ich nie ma.
