piątek, 11 grudnia 2015

IDL/ Birthday meetup in Cracow

Second instalment of note about themed restaurants in Tokyo will be posted soon. Now something more recent- an international lolita day, which was celebrated on 5th of December. Me and my community already had plans for this day, since Eriko, Margot and me have birthday around this date (another year, oh another year...).
We've met at Słodki Wentzl. This time this place was huge dissapointment, because they forgot our reservation and girls who arrived earlier, had to wait in cold, outside the restaurant. Waiter who served us, didn't really knew what he was doin' and there was huge chaos when we wanted to pay seperately for our drinks. Good thing that girls are great company and in the end I enjoyed the meetup very much, even tho I was (and still am) a bit sick.

Group pic without me
 aaaand with me, but no Menoa ;_; 
 Now time for some quick portraits :D 

(This one pic is made by Margot)

and a 'b-day cake' which was super yummy! 

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